Monday, January 11, 2010

The Twilight Saga

96540341 Ella

The Twilight Saga

Vampire and werewolf are not a new topic; however, Stephenie Meyer successfully brings them new life and draws hundreds of millions people’s attention. There are 4 books in a set and two movies by now, and trust me you would ever want to miss any of them. This story starts from Bella’s moving to Forks meeting the Cullens. All these stories are almost around this small town and a reservation called La Push. Here I will talk about main reason why these novels and movies attract us so much.

There is one main reason that the author changed our view toward vampire and werewolf. In the past, when you heard these two terms, you can not help connecting them with monsters. Vampires, for example, drinks human blood and turn their food into one of them or just kill them, live in the coffin, and so on. Werewolf shows only in full moon day. However, as you can see in this movie, both species are charming and dangerous creature. There have been quite a lot of movies or books use either vampires or werewolves as main theme, but few of them could win so much attention. The Cullens own everything that we people want like appearance, money. They just like normal people; they go to school, they work and even get married. The one significance that makes them different from the other vampires is they are vegetarians. They drink animal blood only.

Werewolf, or more correctly, Jacob Black and his other friends are just like transformers. They can show up anytime they want. Their job is to protect innocent people being eaten by the vampires. They signed a treaty with the Cullens to make sure they won’t cross the line and harm people. Originally, they are not in the same line with the Cullens. However, Bella is a friend of Jacob and the lover of Edward. In New moon, Edward leaves for the sake of Bella’s safety, but one thing he did not consider in is Laurent. The werewolves help to kill him. In Eclipse, both werewolves and vampires work together to kill the army produced by Victoria. Their relationship becomes tension at the first part of Breaking Dawn. This is after Jacob chooses his side that the situation gets better. Finally, they work together to fight the Volturi.

Stephenie Meyer catches our eye with story. She is good at it. She just have the magic to keep you reading from Twilight to the last one Breaking Dawn. If you haven’t had a look into this mysterious world, you better be quick. Maybe you will find out that vampires or werewolves just around your side.

My reflection to Avatar and Transformer 2 --- By 96540333 Jennifer

96540333 Jennifer

 My reflection to Avatar and Transformer 2

Using special effect in nowadays films, including animation, action movies, and so on, is the major trend in the present film industry. Both Avator and Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen use a great amount of special effects to visualize the directors’ amazing imagination, and the mastered skilled in special effects did attract the audience’s attention throughout the movies. The mature special effects don’t only give the audience a visual banquet but also earn fame for the production team.

Furthermore, these two scientific fictions introduced the creatures from outer space to us. With the rich imagination and the organized plot, it’s hard to avoid the influence of the two movies.

In one way, we are surprised by the directors’ imagination, on the other, we are satisfied with the shock brought by the special effects. In addition, the two foreseeing directors applied the modern techniques to depict their fantasies so successfully that these two films are now on the top-ten highest grossing list.

Two influential films both won tremendous fame and succeed in box office, and the theme on communicating with outer space creatures also arouse my desire to meet some incredible creatures. Seemingly, I fly in my outer space dream with the help from these two directors.


Especially, Avatar inspired me more thoughts on the environmental protection moves as well as we human being’s way in treating our mother nature. After watching Avatar, I can’t help thinking if we could be like Na'vi so that we should rely and protect the ecosystem spontaneously, instead of damaging our living environment little by little until the day our mother nature won’t revive.

Besides, unlike our human colonists, Na'vi is more willing to share what they cherish. The Na'vi didn’t even think of the human is forming conspiracy. With the strong contrast, no wonder the female protagonist would give his chance of being a human (he later became Na'vi). I dare not to expose more details on the Avatar’s plot, while I would like to provide an example to reveal how popular Avatar was.

Including me, six people tried to book the ticket in Miramar so that we could take a look at the latest launched film carrying good fame. So we decided to watch Avatar on Christmas day. Every ticket from the IMAX, which can express the special effects perfectly, is sold out 3 minutes after IMAX opened for booking. Incredibly, I’ve never came across such a situation, 3 minutes after booking… even though I couldn’t believe that, yet it was the fact. Later, we went to watch the 3D instead, while it also did so well that we kept talking about the plot and six of us were all satisfied with this marvelous film.

There is also a link shows the popularity of the Avatar:

(Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen )

The Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen kept me excited whenever the fighting scenes of the robots begin. The chasing and running game moves me to wonder if the protagonist will die suddenly; hence, I was indulge in the atmosphere the Transformer created. Plus, the funny jokes in the movies did amuse the audience a lot, for most of the audience in the cinema laugh at the same time. Transformer is indeed a success, not only on box-office, but on the majority of the audience’s views.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My favorite brand 『Clot』


                                CLOT                      96540453 ALEX 陳韋豪
This time, I’m going to introduce one of my favorite brand is called Clot. The founder of CLOT inc is Edison Chen and he is also the CEO of clot media division limited. Edison Chen was one of my favorite cultural role model, he was a Hong Kong-based Chinese Canadian actor, singer, model, fashion designer, record producer and pop icon. Chen was born in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada, therefore his native language was English, but he was able to speak and sing Cantonese and mandarin and also a little Japanese. This allows him to spread his popularity to all the entertainment industry around the world. On 21 February 2008, Chen has encounter the biggest catastrophe in his career life due to the sex photo scandals in 2008, therefore he publicly announced that we would step away from Hong Kong entertainment industry ‘indefinitely’.


CLOT / Juice 

        Clot is a lifestyle company that specializes in almost everything involved in youth culture. They do fashion, music, design and even events. Clotmeans all these new ideas and pioneer gather in one area and get clotted up, this is how Edison comes up with the idea of creating this brand. They’ve gathered the world most talented designer from HF, Stash, Madsaki and deliver their style and flavor to the world. CLOT use non-conventional methods of promotion and fresh new thinking to promote their products and others. CLOT has collaborate with the most celebrated of street fashion companies, such as A Bathing Ape, Levis’ and Nike etc. CLOT most unique part was they start up the company with very strange individuals, each with a certain style of thinking and at the same time they respects each other’s styles. Furthermore, they have different mixtures of people from Greece, Hong Kong, Canada, America, and Japan working for them. CLOT has already developed a great international feel inside the company itself.

EDC designed NIKE ID AIR MAX 90





JUICEwas the named of Edison’s biggest retailing stores to please their followers. It was one of the biggest clothing icons among Asia. CLOT owns JUICE and is used as a portal to deliver most of their ideas and products to the public.

JUICE STAND in Taipei 


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Popular Culture

Grey’s Anatomy

      Grey’s Anatomy is an American medical drama television series. It is very popular in America. There are many seasons and episodes. And every episode which has different themes is related to the previous or the next one. At the beginning of each episode, there will be a narration which is made by the opening voiceover. That way can make audience have a better idea to know what the plot will go on. By the way, in the end of each episode, there will be also a closing voiceover to make a conclusion.

     Actually, this is not the first time to watch this TV series. But I just watched the first season on my second grade. And when I first watched this show, I was captivated by its plots deeply. And also, I like the voice of the voiceover very much. I think her voice has a magic power which can easily take me into the story. Moreover, I never feel bored when I watch this show because there are some unexpected plot twists in some episodes. And then I will look forward to watching them next time. By the way, I never get sick of seeing this show, because they don’t use many difficult medical words or show many disgusting scenes. But sometimes I cannot grab their words if I have a distraction. Their speaking speeds are so quick that I cannot catch up with.

     This story talks about the five people who just get into Seattle Grace Hospital to be the interns. How they improve themselves to get the certificates of surgery in the painful, tiring and contradictory practical training? Hospital is a special place where the people will be born and dead. They have to suffer the shocks of the separation between loved ones in life or death everyday. I cannot imagine how they can stand to work at that place. If I were them, I would totally give up.

       In this television series, I like Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) most. She is beautiful and intelligence. Her smile and voice are charming. No one can resist her. She is self-respect, but when she meets her love, she spontaneously reveals her weakness. I think the factor is her family background. She has a mother whose fame spreads far and near, so she cannot rashly show her helpless. She just can disguise that she is alright. But when she meets her Mr. Right, something is changed. She can rely on a man. That’s Derek Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey). Although they experience some sort of crisis in their relationship, they all solve the problems hand in hand. I think love is a way to change her personality.

       And for me, the most impressive scene in this show is on Season 5, Episode 23: "Here's to the Future." That is a conversation between Izzie Stevens and George O'Malley. And on this episode, Izzie hesitates that whether she should have the surgery or just takes a risk to destroy herself. Here is the conversation:

George: Izzie! You paged me, are you ok?

Izzie: No, I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should have the surgery. I think I'm gonna die either  way. You gotta tell me what to do.

George: You know what to do.

Izzie: No I don't. I don't.

George: Yes, you do. You're just scared to do it. This back and forth is just fear. You've already made the decision. You made it. You made it the second you decided to fight this thing. Just look, look where you started. Look where you are now. I mean, now you're this incredible surgeon, and teacher. You're a doer, remember? You know exactly what you have to do.

      I think George’s word is very meaningful. And this may be one of the most famous sayings in this show. From this conversation, you can generalize a conclusion:when people hesitate or struggle for something, they often don’t know what course to follow or to take. The feeling of being tormenting with disease internally and externally is kind of living in the hell. But when you hesitate, that signifies that you have already made the decision. What a great irony is.

By 96540347 Lisa

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Popular Culture


96540324 Erin

When I was a lovely child, many things came into my life, especially cartoons. They have become my memory, even a big part of it. Talking about Disney, I believe it is well known to everyone. Do you remember the most famous love story “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”? I guess the answer is yes. I have been dreamed of that maybe one day a handsome price will come to me and say something deeply to touch my heart. I also have been dreamed of that I will live happily forever will my Mr. Right. Those fairy tales constructed my childhood, and left a wonderful time to trace back.
To be a little girl, every time when I turned on the TV, I always turned to the Disney channel. I wanted to see how “The Lion King” showed his power to protect his animals to a much better and safer living condition. I also wanted to see the cute Pooh hid somewhere to eat his honey. Mickey and his friends did something stupid again and then make me laugh. Those memories are unforgettable. Even though I am growing up, Disney cartoons remind me of the happy time I have been through. I cannot tell that how many days and nights they accompanied me. Every time I smiled and dreamed until I fell asleep. I played toys with those character’s faces, and would not put them down until my mothers asked me to wash my hands and prepared to eat dinner angrily. How wonderful that time was.

Now, I am a young adult, and I have changed. However, those characters and the stories I saw before are still remain. To me, it’s really hard to say that why I was so crazy for Disney when I was a little girl. I am embarrassed to tell my friends that I have ever believed them to be real. Just like every child believe Santa Claus is exist, and every year he will go sledging and bring you a present during sleeping.

Now, I watch movies instead of cartoons. Surprisingly, there is the most popular movie made by Disney - “High School Musical.” series. It’s successful for Disney to have this movie. The high school life with different people you love and like, beautiful music, dancing, and wonderful memory. For me, it is a good movie and it worth watching again and again.

Except cartoons and movies, Disney also has 3D computer animation like “Ratatouille”, “Walle”, and “The incredibles”, etc.

You will never think of that a mouse can cook, and is even better than chefs. Because of his dream, he can overcome every difficulty he meets. When no one thinks he can do what he wants, finally he dose. A good movie to teach me that never gives up your dreams. Even though no one supports you, you have to stick to them.

It’s unbelievable that the whole family, father, mother, and children, are supermen. They all have power to hit the bad guys to make our world safe and peace. A big change is that superman is no longer a man but woman and even children.

Now, everyone concerned about our world, because we believe that one day the world will come to the end. No one will survive from the disaster. The air-pollution, the ice-melting, and the garbage all around, can you imagine what the world would be like if things get worse? How the possible can be? It is the real situation, not an image. In “Walle”, I can not forget the senses that garbage full of our world, the beautiful lands are no longer anymore. This movie let me think that I should cherish what I have and do something for return. We all want we live in a comfortable way, so we should not just receive what our nature give to us. I believe that to do something good for our world, we will also benefit from it. A good world should depend on you and me. If you are thinking the same with me, it is time to do everything into the action.

Recently the “up” which talks about an old man, Carl Frederickson, fulfill his dream that he has promises to his wife, Ellie, is one of my favor 3D computer animation. Of course, he makes lots of efforts, like fighting for the enemy, and he learns something important for his life after he finishes the journey. He will never complain and finally he finds his way to live happy forever. Have you ever dreamed to travel around the world with the balloon? Or have you promise someone to do something but you forget? Then, to watch this movie that I am highly recommended.