Monday, January 11, 2010

The Twilight Saga

96540341 Ella

The Twilight Saga

Vampire and werewolf are not a new topic; however, Stephenie Meyer successfully brings them new life and draws hundreds of millions people’s attention. There are 4 books in a set and two movies by now, and trust me you would ever want to miss any of them. This story starts from Bella’s moving to Forks meeting the Cullens. All these stories are almost around this small town and a reservation called La Push. Here I will talk about main reason why these novels and movies attract us so much.

There is one main reason that the author changed our view toward vampire and werewolf. In the past, when you heard these two terms, you can not help connecting them with monsters. Vampires, for example, drinks human blood and turn their food into one of them or just kill them, live in the coffin, and so on. Werewolf shows only in full moon day. However, as you can see in this movie, both species are charming and dangerous creature. There have been quite a lot of movies or books use either vampires or werewolves as main theme, but few of them could win so much attention. The Cullens own everything that we people want like appearance, money. They just like normal people; they go to school, they work and even get married. The one significance that makes them different from the other vampires is they are vegetarians. They drink animal blood only.

Werewolf, or more correctly, Jacob Black and his other friends are just like transformers. They can show up anytime they want. Their job is to protect innocent people being eaten by the vampires. They signed a treaty with the Cullens to make sure they won’t cross the line and harm people. Originally, they are not in the same line with the Cullens. However, Bella is a friend of Jacob and the lover of Edward. In New moon, Edward leaves for the sake of Bella’s safety, but one thing he did not consider in is Laurent. The werewolves help to kill him. In Eclipse, both werewolves and vampires work together to kill the army produced by Victoria. Their relationship becomes tension at the first part of Breaking Dawn. This is after Jacob chooses his side that the situation gets better. Finally, they work together to fight the Volturi.

Stephenie Meyer catches our eye with story. She is good at it. She just have the magic to keep you reading from Twilight to the last one Breaking Dawn. If you haven’t had a look into this mysterious world, you better be quick. Maybe you will find out that vampires or werewolves just around your side.

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